Sierra County Rock and Gem Society
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
2025 Truth or Consequences Rock & Gem Show
1 & 2
Thank you for a great 2024 show! We can’t wait to see you again in 2025, on March 1st and 2nd! More info coming soon!
Pan for gold, screen for Montana sapphires, listen to interesting presentations, watch demos, and attend field trips!
Spin our Wheel of Fortune where every spin’s a win!
Admission and parking are free! Maybe you’ll even win a door prize!
The mission of SCRAGS
SCRAGS, based in Sierra County New Mexico, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the education, preservation, and promotion of the earth sciences, rockhounding, and lapidary arts. Our members enjoy a wide variety of activities, including field trips, lectures, and workshops. We offer a unique opportunity to learn about rocks, minerals, fossils, and gems in the beautiful setting of southern New Mexico.

Join our Facebook Group
SCRAGS’ Facebook group page is for rock and gem enthusiasts of all levels of interest and expertise. This is a place to share photos and stories, ask questions, and learn about all things rocks and gems!
Become a scrags member
Meet a great group of people who like rocks as much as you do!
Join our field trips to collect and learn about rocks and minerals
Access SCRAGS’ library of books on geology, jewelry-making and more
Meet experienced members to learn more about rocks, minerals, and geology
No experience necessary
Please mail in your application with payment or fill one out at one of our monthly meetings. We can’t wait to meet you!